Wroggi and Great Wroggi utilize their venom in hunting either by administering them through the fangs in their beaks or by spraying it out as a deadly mist. Great Wroggi are especially toxic, being able to spray larger clouds of poison which linger longer. [Their poison is crucial in allowing them to thrive in both of their preferred habitats. In the rainforest, their poison reduces the chances of prey escaping in the dense vegetation and allows them to capitalize on the plentiful Bnahabra population. As prey can be scarce in volcanic regions, their poison again increases the success rates of their hunts while allowing them to feed on Bnahabra when Herbivores are scarce.] Possessing venom is essential for Wroggi and Great Wroggi to take down armored and dangerous prey such as Rhenoplos, Bullfango and Slagtoth. Besides that, they are not averse to scavenging for carrion from larger monsters' kills. Large packs may even be able to harass larger monsters and steal their kills by spraying their toxic mist.
Being relatively low on the food chain, Wroggi have bright, aposematic coloration to warn potential predators of their toxicity. Other than that, their speed and agility usually discourages most carnivorous monsters from preying on them.
Wroggi are closely related to Baggi and Jaggi.